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 * libgit2 "remote" example - shows how to modify remotes for a repo
 * Written by the libgit2 contributors
 * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
 * and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
 * worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
 * You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
 * with this software. If not, see
 * <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.

#include "common.h"

This is a sample program that is similar to "git remote". See the documentation for that (try "git help remote") to understand what this program is emulating.

This demonstrates using the libgit2 APIs to modify remotes of a repository.

enum subcmd {

struct remote_opts {
  enum subcmd cmd;

  /* for command-specific args */
  int argc;
  char **argv;

static int cmd_add(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o);
static int cmd_remove(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o);
static int cmd_rename(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o);
static int cmd_seturl(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o);
static int cmd_show(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o);

static void parse_subcmd(
  struct remote_opts *opt, int argc, char **argv);
static void usage(const char *msg, const char *arg);

int lg2_remote(git_repository *repo, int argc, char *argv[])
  int retval = 0;
  struct remote_opts opt = {0};

  parse_subcmd(&opt, argc, argv);

  switch (opt.cmd)
  case subcmd_add:
    retval = cmd_add(repo, &opt);
  case subcmd_remove:
    retval = cmd_remove(repo, &opt);
  case subcmd_rename:
    retval = cmd_rename(repo, &opt);
  case subcmd_seturl:
    retval = cmd_seturl(repo, &opt);
  case subcmd_show:
    retval = cmd_show(repo, &opt);

  return retval;

static int cmd_add(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o)
  char *name, *url;
  git_remote *remote = {0};

  if (o->argc != 2)
    usage("you need to specify a name and URL", NULL);

  name = o->argv[0];
  url = o->argv[1];

  check_lg2(git_remote_create(&remote, repo, name, url),
      "could not create remote", NULL);

  return 0;

static int cmd_remove(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o)
  char *name;

  if (o->argc != 1)
    usage("you need to specify a name", NULL);

  name = o->argv[0];

  check_lg2(git_remote_delete(repo, name),
      "could not delete remote", name);

  return 0;

static int cmd_rename(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o)
  int i, retval;
  char *old, *new;
  git_strarray problems = {0};

  if (o->argc != 2)
    usage("you need to specify old and new remote name", NULL);

  old = o->argv[0];
  new = o->argv[1];

  retval = git_remote_rename(&problems, repo, old, new);
  if (!retval)
    return 0;

  for (i = 0; i < (int) problems.count; i++) {


  return retval;

static int cmd_seturl(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o)
  int i, retval, push = 0;
  char *name = NULL, *url = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < o->argc; i++) {
    char *arg = o->argv[i];

    if (!strcmp(arg, "--push")) {
      push = 1;
    } else if (arg[0] != '-' && name == NULL) {
      name = arg;
    } else if (arg[0] != '-' && url == NULL) {
      url = arg;
    } else {
      usage("invalid argument to set-url", arg);

  if (name == NULL || url == NULL)
    usage("you need to specify remote and the new URL", NULL);

  if (push)
    retval = git_remote_set_pushurl(repo, name, url);
    retval = git_remote_set_url(repo, name, url);

  check_lg2(retval, "could not set URL", url);

  return 0;

static int cmd_show(git_repository *repo, struct remote_opts *o)
  int i;
  const char *arg, *name, *fetch, *push;
  int verbose = 0;
  git_strarray remotes = {0};
  git_remote *remote = {0};

  for (i = 0; i < o->argc; i++) {
    arg = o->argv[i];

    if (!strcmp(arg, "-v") || !strcmp(arg, "--verbose")) {
      verbose = 1;

  check_lg2(git_remote_list(&remotes, repo),
    "could not retrieve remotes", NULL);

  for (i = 0; i < (int) remotes.count; i++) {
    name = remotes.strings[i];
    if (!verbose) {

    check_lg2(git_remote_lookup(&remote, repo, name),
      "could not look up remote", name);

    fetch = git_remote_url(remote);
    if (fetch)
      printf("%s\t%s (fetch)\n", name, fetch);
    push = git_remote_pushurl(remote);
    /* use fetch URL if no distinct push URL has been set */
    push = push ? push : fetch;
    if (push)
      printf("%s\t%s (push)\n", name, push);



  return 0;

static void parse_subcmd(
  struct remote_opts *opt, int argc, char **argv)
  char *arg = argv[1];
  enum subcmd cmd = 0;

  if (argc < 2)
    usage("no command specified", NULL);

  if (!strcmp(arg, "add")) {
    cmd = subcmd_add;
  } else if (!strcmp(arg, "remove")) {
    cmd = subcmd_remove;
  } else if (!strcmp(arg, "rename")) {
    cmd = subcmd_rename;
  } else if (!strcmp(arg, "set-url")) {
    cmd = subcmd_seturl;
  } else if (!strcmp(arg, "show")) {
    cmd = subcmd_show;
  } else {
    usage("command is not valid", arg);
  opt->cmd = cmd;

  opt->argc = argc - 2; /* executable and subcommand are removed */
  opt->argv = argv + 2;

static void usage(const char *msg, const char *arg)
  fputs("usage: remote add <name> <url>\n", stderr);
  fputs("       remote remove <name>\n", stderr);
  fputs("       remote rename <old> <new>\n", stderr);
  fputs("       remote set-url [--push] <name> <newurl>\n", stderr);
  fputs("       remote show [-v|--verbose]\n", stderr);

  if (msg && !arg)
    fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n", msg);
  else if (msg && arg)
    fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: %s\n", msg, arg);