For extended status, select the files on which to report status.
GIT_STATUS_SHOW_INDEX_AND_WORKDIR is the default. This roughly
matches gitstatus--porcelain where each file gets a callback
indicating its status in the index and in the working directory.
GIT_STATUS_SHOW_INDEX_ONLY only gives status based on HEAD to index
comparison, not looking at working directory changes.
GIT_STATUS_SHOW_WORKDIR_ONLY only gives status based on index to
working directory comparison, not comparing the index to the HEAD.
GIT_STATUS_SHOW_INDEX_THEN_WORKDIR runs index-only then workdir-only,
issuing (up to) two callbacks per file (first index, then workdir).
This is slightly more efficient than separate calls and can make it
easier to emulate plain gitstatus text output.