

Git tree parsing, loading routines


Representation of each one of the entries in a tree object

Representation of a tree object

Constructor for in-memory trees



Tree traversal modes


Callback for the tree traversal method


Lookup a tree object from the repository

Lookup a tree object from the repository, given a prefix of its identifier (short id)

Close an open tree

Get the id of a tree

Get the number of entries listed in a tree

Lookup a tree entry by its filename

Lookup a tree entry by its position in the tree

Get the UNIX file attributes of a tree entry

Get the filename of a tree entry

Get the id of the object pointed by the entry

Get the type of the object pointed by the entry

Convert a tree entry to the git_object it points too

Write a tree to the ODB from the index file

Create a new tree builder

Clear all the entires in the builder

Free a tree builder

Get an entry from the builder from its filename

Add or update an entry to the builder

Remove an entry from the builder by its filename

Filter the entries in the tree

Write the contents of the tree builder as a tree object

Retrieve a subtree contained in a tree, given its relative path

Traverse the entries in a tree and its subtrees in post or pre order

Diff two trees